20th edition Heralding Education on Antimicrobial Resistance

Heralding Education on Antimicrobial Resistance
Het is zover! De data voor de HEAR-voorjaarscursus van Liofilchem zijn bekend.
Wanneer: Donderdag 2 maart – vrijdag 3 maart 2023
Locatie: Liofilchem, Via Scozia, 64026 Roseto degli Abruzzi TE, Italië
Kosten: ca. €600. Dat is incl. transfer van Rome naar Liofilchem, 2 hotelovernachtingen, diners en cursusdagen. N.B. Dit is exclusief de vlucht naar Rome Fiumicino en terug.
Woensdag heenvliegen, vrijdag retour. Als men langer in Italië wil blijven, is dat uiteraard geen probleem, dan kan er een latere retourvlucht geboekt worden. De kosten van verblijf in Rome zijn voor eigen rekening.
Graag z.s.m. aanmelden. Dit in verband met de beperkte beschikbaarheid van cursusplaatsen en vluchten. Er zijn 24 cursusplaatsen beschikbaar.
HEAR courses comprise an interactive two day session with lectures and laboratory work. An international faculty interacts with 20 participants from several Countries. HEAR allows for effective exchange of clinical experiences and expertise among clinicians, pharmacists and microbiologists with the patient’s need utmost in mind. Liofilchem organizes several courses per year that cover a variety of topics with the goal of sharing the latest information to promote the rational use of antimicrobial agents.
Infections caused by resistant organisms pose significant challenges especially among immunocompromised critical care patients. The use of S-I-R categorical results to guide treatment of these “non-standardized” patients may not always be acceptable. The clinical importance of the MIC relative to PK/PD parameters to help optimize antibiotic choice and dosing regimens can be crucial in this patient population. Equally, the need to improve current methods to better detect emerging resistances such as hetero-resistance to glycopeptides among staphylococci (hGISA) is clearly being recognized. To address some of the resistance, diagnostic and treatment challenges faced by infectious disease specialists, ICU clinicians, clinical pharmacists and microbiologists, Liofilchem has invested in non-profit HEAR courses dedicated to education in the field of Antimicrobial Resistance Testing.