Chromatic Mueller Hinton

Chromatic MH is a chromogenic Muller Hinton for simultaneous identification and susceptibility testing of various microorganisms directly from clinical specimens.

In the Intensive Care Unit the mortality rates for VAP, sepsis, surgical site or intra-abdominal, catheter related infections are critically high. Direct M.I.C. on CSF, positive blood culture bottles and other specimens from critical patients and direct M.I.C. on bronchial aspirates from patients with VAP can contribute with timely and essential information to save the life of patients.

  • Microbial ID based on the color of the colonies
  • AST with discs or MTS™ (MIC Test Strip)
  • Results in 18-24 hours

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Catalog ref. 11618
20 plates/pack
4 months shelf life
2-8°C storage temperature

Complete range of chromogenic media for antimicrobial resistance detection