EWC Diagnostics delivers High Quality products and services to Clinical Microbiological Laboratories in the Benelux. EWC Diagnostics has five product lines for the Clinical Microbiology Laboratories.
Disc diffusion methodology: EWC Diagnostics could deliver a large portfolio of antibiotic discs for Disc diffusion methodology. We support our customers with antibiotic discs that comply with the EUCAST and/or CLSI guidelines.
Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) methodology: We support your Medical Microbiology lab with more than 150 different MIC antibiotic tests, that comply with the EUCAST guidelines.
Ready Prepared Culture Media: EWC Diagnostics delivers High Quality Ready Prepared Culture Media to Microbiological Laboratories in the Benelux. EWC Diagnostics has three excellent production partners for Ready Prepared Culture Media: Media Products BV, Liofilchem and Graso Biotech.
Rapid Microbiology test: With our partners we could support you Clinical Microbiology Laboratory with rapid tests for S. pneumoniae/Legionella, S. pneumoniae, Legionella pneumophila/Legionella Longbeachae and Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), VIP Check azole resistance and kits for invasive fungal diseases (IFD).
Quality control microorganisms: Quality control of microbial characterisation tests, culture media and antimicrobial susceptibility determinations is best accomplished using microorganisms with well-documented and stable phenotypic and genotypic characteristics.