Seminar Listeria monocytogenes in kant-en-klare levensmiddelen
20th International Symposium on Health Related Water Microbiology
The IWA Health-Related Water Microbiology Symposium HRWM 2019 (International Water Association) will be held for the first time in Austria, Vienna. The symposium will take place September 15-20, 2019 and is organized by the IWA HRWM Specialist Group. It will be hosted by the Interuniversity Cooperation Centre (ICC) Water and Health and is supported by the Austrian Society of Hygiene, Microbiology and Preventive Medicine (ÖGHMP). The symposium program will cover all aspects of health related water microbiology in the whole water cycle, applied and basic research on water and microorganisms as it impacts human health.
EWC Diagnostics is exhibiting on 20th International Symposium on Health Related Water Microbiology, visit us! Hope to see you there!
Een goede traditie moet je voortzetten! Zeker in ons 20-jarig jubileumjaar!
Wij combineren dit jaar ons 5-jaarlijks congres met onze jaarlijkse lotgenotendag en gaan er een hele mooie, waardevolle dag van maken. Op 10 oktober 2019 organiseren wij het congres op een sprookjesachtige locatie, namelijk De Efteling onder leiding van onze dagvoorzitter: Andries Knevel. Wij nodigen u dan ook van harte uit om deel te nemen aan ons congres.
Donderdag 9.30 – 16.30 uur: 17 oktober en 31 oktober en 7 november
HEAR – October 2019
Aquatech Amsterdam
5 – 8 November 2019 | Amsterdam
Aquatech Amsterdam is the world’s leading water trade show for process, drinking and waste water. Connect with water professionals from over all over the world, in the exciting city of Amsterdam.
We offer you 4 action-packed days that provide the ideal platform to make profitable business relationships, exchange ideas and enhance know-how.
The world of medicine is meeting at MEDICA 2019
What will happen in the laboratory of the future? How can we make diagnoses even more precise? Find out at MEDICA 2019 and discover everything on offer from A to Z – from innovative analyser appliances and the latest diagnostic procedures to the high-speed centrifuge. Benefit from a comprehensive communication and Networking platform that is more international and more export-focused than ever before. A platform for meeting dealers, establishing contacts, consolidating strategies and launching partnerships.
Whamm bijeenkomst 19 november
Op 19 november vindt deze bijeenkomst voor leden van de NVML Werkgroep HoofdAnalisten Medische Microbiologie- plaats in de Eenhoorn, Amersfoort.
9:30 – 10.00u   Ontvangst met koffie en thee
10.00 – 10.05u  Opening waaronder mededelingen
10.05 – 10.35u   Testen op HIV in het PreP tijdperk
Jean-Luc Murk, arts-microbioloog, ETZ, Tilburg
10.40 – 11.10u   De rol van de data-expert in het medisch microbiologisch laboratorium
 Judy Fonville, PhD, biomedisch informaticus, PAMM, Veldhoven
11.10 – 11.20u  Koffie/thee pauze
11.20 – 12.15u  Een informele discussie aan de hand van vragen en evt m.b.v. stellingen
  (technisch; bacteriologie, serologie, virologie, moleculair)
12.15 – 12.30u Plenaire terugkoppeling
12.30 – 13.30u Lunch
13.30 – 14.00u Epidemiologie en fenotypes van de varkens- en humane pathogeen
             Streptococcus suis
Kees C. H. van der Ark, PhD, Amsterdam UMC en Amsterdam Institute for
             Global Health & Development
14.00 – 14.45u Een informele discussie aan de hand van vragen en evt. m.b.v. stellingen
 (ISO 15189, algemene en personele zaken m.b.t. het leidinggeven op een
14.45 – 15.15u De rol van darmbacteriën bij de immuunrespons tegen kanker
Prof. Ger Rijkers, medisch-immunoloog MMI laboratorium te Goes en het ETZ,
locatie Tilburg
15.15 – 15.30u Rondvraag en evaluatie
The implementation of DIN EN ISO 11731: 2019 posed practical challenges for the laboratories
The implementation of DIN EN ISO 11731: 2019 posed practical challenges for the laboratories. In the past year, therefore, we have organized our in-depth practical laboratory seminar on DIN EN ISO 11731: 2019 “Water quality – Legionella count” in order to explain and practically train the methods in terms of content.
Due to the positive feedback from the participants and many requests for additional dates, we are pleased to continue the series of seminars now that the first practical experience of implementation in the practical laboratory since the publication of the standard has been taken into account.
With this letter, we would like to give you the opportunity in two additional appointments to book the seminar for yourself and / or your employees and colleagues.